EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 09 - 2019 Num. article: 2019/188

Ceratocystis platani is spreading to Northern France

In France, Ceratocystis platani (EPPO A2 List) was first recorded in the 1940s and scattered outbreaks are reported from the South of France (EPPO RS 2008/029, RS 2008/184). The NPPO of France recently informed the EPPO Secretariat of two findings in the Northern part of France.

Following a report by the municipality of Nantes (Pays-de-la-Loire region) on symptomatic plane trees (Platanus x acerifolia), an official inspection was carried out in May and June 2019 and two samples tested positive for C. platani. The two plane trees were located in a market place, as part of an alignment of 18 plane trees. In accordance with the Ministerial Decree of 22 December 2015 as regards of measures to prevent the spread and introduction of C. platani, a demarcated area has been established. It includes an infected zone of a width of 35 metres and a buffer zone that encompasses the entire municipality of Nantes. All 18 plane trees in the market place have been uprooted. 

In the municipality of Antony (Ile-de-France region), 8 plane trees tested positive for C. platani in August 2019. These trees were planted along a road. A demarcated area has been established. It includes an infected zone of a width of 35 metres and a buffer zone that encompasses the entire municipality of Antony. The 128 plane trees in the infected zone will be uprooted. 

In both cases, plantation of plane trees in the infected zones is forbidden. Official annual surveillance on plane trees in the buffer zones will be carried out.


NPPO of France (2019-07, 2019-08).


Le chancre coloré, champignon tueur de platanes, a été détecté à Antony https://www.ville-antony.fr/actualites/chancre-colore