EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 02 - 2018 Num. article: 2018/042

New Code of conduct for invasive alien trees

A Code of conduct for Invasive Alien Trees has been adopted with the Recommendation
n. 194 (2017) of the Standing Committee (Bern Convention), on the 8th of December 2017. This Code of conduct is addressed to all relevant stakeholders and decision makers in the 47 Member States of the Council of Europe. It is intended to provide guidance to reduce the negative impacts that might originate from an unregulated use and spread of invasive alien trees, i.e. those alien tree species whose introduction or spread has been found to threaten or adversely impact upon biodiversity and related ecosystem services. Alien trees and well-managed planted forests of alien tree species can be useful in providing various forest goods and services and helping to reduce the pressure on natural forests or provide opportunities for adaptation to climate change and global change. However, a small number of alien trees are invasive or might become invasive – i.e. they spread from planting sites into adjoining areas, and sometimes cause substantial damage to biodiversity and related ecosystem services. This document complements the Code of conduct on Horticulture and Invasive Alien Plants published by the Council of Europe and EPPO which was aimed at the horticultural industry and trade and the European Code of conduct for Botanic Gardens on Invasive Alien Species.


Council of Europe/Bern Convention Group of experts on Invasive Alien Species (IAS), https://www.coe.int/en/web/bern-convention/on-invasive-alien-species