European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN)
Sharing scientific information is crucial to address the growing threat of alien species. The European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN), launched in 2012 by the European Commission, is an online platform facilitating the exploration of existing information on alien species from distributed sources, supporting scientific assessments and the implementation of European policies on alien species (e.g. EU Regulation 1143/2014). EASIN records more than 14,000 alien species occurring in Europe, including all kinds of taxa and habitats. For each taxon listed, EASIN gathers information on taxonomy, year and country of first introduction in Europe, habitat, pathways, impact, synonyms and common names. EASIN also aggregates, integrates and harmonizes spatial occurrences of alien species in Europe, from a partnership of global and European databases and literature. The quality of the EASIN data is ensured by an Editorial Board, composed of experts on different taxonomic groups and habitats, contributing to the continuous update and review of the EASIN Catalogue through a dedicated platform. All the information gathered in the EASIN is publicly available through a widget framework, providing free, easy to use and flexible web tools for tailored searching, analyzing and mapping, aiding scientists and policy makers in obtaining high quality information. These web tools follow internationally recognized standards and protocols, while ownership of the data remains with its source. The EASIN datasets have been used for pan-European assessments of pathways and gateways of alien invasions, to model scenarios for the spread of aquatic species (Elodea nuttallii) and recently for an updated inventory, distribution patterns and introduction trends of alien terrestrial plants in Europe (in preparation), contributing thus towards the fulfilment of the related targets of European policies. EASIN is also oriented to citizen science, and developed a Smartphone Application “Invasive Alien Species Europe” allowing citizens to report invasive alien species of Union Concern. EPPO is a partner of EASIN, along with a number of other organisations, supplying information on invasive species as appropriate.
Gervasini E, Tsiamis K, Cardoso AC (2017) European Alien Species Information Network (EASIN): supporting scientific research & European policies Oral Presentation: Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions (Lisbon, PT, 2017-09-04/08).