EPPO publications in 1991
During the year 1991 EPPO has published the following quarantine procedures, certification schemes and guidelines for the efficacy evaluation of plant protection products. The publications can be found in the EPPO Bulletins 21(1) and 21(2).
Quarantine procedures/Méthodes de quarantaine
No. 30 Globodera pallida & G. rostochiensis
Soil sampling methods/Méthodes d'échantillonnage du sol
No. 31 Rubus viruses/Virus des Rubus
Inspection and test methods/Méthodes d'inspection et de test
No. 32 Tomato ringspot nepovirus in fruit trees and grapevine/Tomato ringspot nepovirus sur arbres
fruitiers et vigne
Inspection and test methods/Méthodes d'inspection et de test
No. 33 Other viruses of Malus and Prunus/Autres virus des Malus et des Prunus (other than plum
pox potyvirus, for which a quarantine procedure will appear in the next set).
Inspection and test procedures/Méthodes d'inspection et de test
No. 34 Barley stripe mosaic hordeivirus
Inspection and test methods for barley seeds/Méthodes d'inspection et de test pour les
semences d'orge
No. 35 Cochliobolus carbonum, Stenocarpella macrospora & S. maydis
Inspection and test methods for maize seeds/Méthodes d'inspection et de test pour les
semences de maïs
No. 36 Phaeoisariopsis griseola
Inspection and test methods for bean seeds/Méthodes d'inspection et de test pour les
semences de haricot
No. 37 Tilletia indica
Inspection and test methods for wheat seeds/Méthodes d'inspection et de test pour les
semences de blé
These are also available as offprints from EPPO headquarters, with the earlier quarantine procedures (nos 1-29) at a total price of 250, - FRF.
Certification schemes/Schémas de certification
Virus-free or virus-tested fruit trees and rootstocks. Part I. Basic scheme and its elaboration/Arbres fruitiers et porte-greffe 'virus-free' ou 'virus-tested'. Partie I. Schéma de base et version élaborée
Pathogen-tested material of carnation/Matériel certifié 'pathogen-tested' d'œillet
Guidelines for the efficacy evaluation of plant protection products/Directives pour l'évaluation biologique des produits phytosanitaires
No. 3 Pseudoperonospora humuli (revised/révisée, 1990)
No. 14 Psila rosae (revised/révisée, 1990)
No. 85 Thrips on outdoor crops/Thrips des cultures de plein champ (revised/révisée, 1990)
No. 153 Control of lodging and manipulation of canopy structure in rape/Contrôle de la verse et modification de la voûte foliaire du colza
No. 154 Control of suckers in Rubus/Contrôle des repousses des Rubus
No. 155 Control of suckers in tobacco/Contrôle des repousses du tabac
No. 156 Desiccants used as an aid to harvesting rape/Défanants utilisés pour faciliter la récolte du colza
No. 157 Regulation of growth of ornamental plants/Régulation de la croissance des plantes ornementales
No. 158 Regulation of growth of pome fruits/R‚égulation de la croissance des fruits à pépins
No. 159 Local wound treatments of apple/Traitements localisés des blessures sur pommier
No. 160 Thrips on glasshouse crops/Thrips des cultures sous serre
These are also available as offprints from EPPO headquarters, with the earlier guidelines (nos 1-152), at a total price of 2000, - FRF.
EPPO Secretariat, Paris (1991-10)