Evaluation of indicator plants for Frankliniella occidentalis
In Canada an evaluation of petunia, gloxinia, globe amaranth, tomato, pepper and three species of tobacco was carried out in order to determine their utilization as indicator plants for monitoring Frankliniella occidentalis carrying tomato spotted wilt virus (EPPO A1 list).
Petunia had the highest percentage of leaves with feeding scars and the highest percentage of plants that became infected. The greatest number of viral lesions was developed on petunia and gloxinia. Yellow boards, mounted at plant height, increased the thrips attraction and virus transmission to petunia.
A further advantage of petunia and gloxinia was the fast development of viral lesions which occurred 2-3 days after exposure to F. occidentalis.
Allen, W.R.; Matteoni, J.A. (1991) Petunia as an indicator plant for use by growers to monitor for thrips carrying the tomato spotted wilt virus in greenhouses.
Plant Disease 75, 78-82.