EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 08 - 1992 Num. article: 1992/05

EPPO Distribution List for potato spindle tuber viroid

Due to the new record of potato spindle tuber viroid (EPPO A2 pest) in India the distribution of this pest is as follows:

EPPO Distribution List: Potato spindle tuber viroid

EPPO region: Poland, Turkey, USSR. Found but eradicated in the Commonwealth Potato Collection held in Scotland (UK), in the 1970s.

Asia: China, India, Japan, Turkey (EPPO country), probably other countries.

Africa: South Africa, but recently found absent in nuclear-stock potatoes.

North America: Canada, but reported absent from seed potato crops in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, USA.

South America: The first edition of the EPPO data sheet on PSTVd (OEPP/EPPO, 1978) cited the viroid as widespread in South America. There are unconfirmed records for Argentina and Brazil and the situation in other countries remains uncertain.

Oceania: Australia, found in 1982 in germplasm collections in quarantine in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia; eradicated.

This distribution list replaces all previous published EPPO Distribution Lists on potato spindle tuber viroid!


EPPO Secretariat, Paris (1992-07)