EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 05 - 1992 Num. article: 1992/04

National network to monitor Erwinia amylovora in Italy

In 1990, Erwinia amylovora (EPPO A2 organism) was observed for the first time in Italy (see also Reporting Service 511/04). The fireblight foci were located in Southern Italy.
In order to monitor the disease area and to detect a possible spread into the more northern main fruit cultivating regions, a nationwide system is currently build up which consists out of regional monitoring networks. Each network includes several protocolled indicator plants, groups of experts which visit these indicator plants twice a year as well as collect and analyse suspect plant material and diagnostic centres where the collected material is analyzed and registered.


Stafani, E.; Bazzi, C.; Mazzucchi, U; (1992) Aufbau eines nationalen Überwachungssystems fiir den Feuerbrand in Italien.
Phytomedizin 22, No. 1, p. 16