Recent Publications on citrus pests and nematodes
The Regional Office for the Near East of FAO has published the report of the workshop on "Citrus Pest Problems in the Near East Region" which was held in Antalya, TR, in 1992-05-25/29. The report gives a good overview on the citrus pests and diseases occurring in the region and the efforts by the different countries to control the spread of them.
Also published was the report of the expert consultation on "Plant Nematode Problems and their Control in the Near East Region" which was held in Karachi, PK, on 1992-11-22/26. The report features country accounts on the occurrence and control of nematodes and provides conclusions and recommendations. A list of potential A1 and A2 quarantine nematodes for the Near East Region is included.
FAO, Regional Office for the Near East, Cairo, EG (1993-06)