EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 05 - 1993 Num. article: 1993/94

Diversity of MLOs infecting grapevine

Experiments were carried out in France to compare grapevine flavescence dorée MLO (EPPO A2 quarantine pest), vectored by Scaphoideus titanus, from southern France with similar MLO-induced yellows diseases of grapevine from other parts of the country. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was applied to carry out this comparison. It was found that the specific flavescence dorée probes from southern France did not detect MLO in samples with grapevine yellows symptoms from other parts of France. MLOs were detected, however, in these samples when less specific primers were used, thus suggesting that different MLOs cause similar symptoms in grapevine. These other MLOs may be related to other serological groups of MLOs (e.g. elm yellows, aster yellows).


Daire, X.; Clair, D.; Larrue, J.; Boudon-Padieu, E.; Caudwell, A. (1993) Characterization by hybridization and PCR of some mycoplasma-like organisms (MLO) inducing grapevine yellows.
Presentation at the "Premier Colloque Italo-Français De Phytopathologie sur: Maladies nouvelles ou d'introduction récente en France, en Italie et dans le bassin méditerranéen", Alghero, IT, 1993-04-14/18.