EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 05 - 1993 Num. article: 1993/91

Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus in La Réunion

La Réunion is a French island located in the Indian Ocean. Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (potential EPPO A2 quarantine pest) was first detected in July 1991 during customs examinations of chrysanthemum cuttings. Few months later it was observed in tomato fields quite distant from each others. At the end of January 1992 the virus was present in numerous places where horticultural crops are important. During the warm season 1992/3 severe epidemics occurred in tomato, pepper and ornamental crops. Different strains of the virus have been collected and characterized by ELISA using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies.
Three vectors, Frankliniella occidentalis (EPPO A2 quarantine pest), F. shultzei and Thrips tabaci, have been observed on the island of which only F. occidentalis has an epidemiological significance.


Boissot, N.; Reynaud, B.; Nabeneza, S. (1993) Epidemiology of TSWV in La Réunion Island.
Presentation at the "Premier Colloque Italo-Français De Phytopathologie sur: Maladies nouvelles ou d'introduction récente en France, en Italie et dans le bassin méditerranéen", Alghero, IT, 1993-04-14/18.