EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 05 - 1993 Num. article: 1993/88

Strains of plum pox potyvirus in France

Since the outbreak of plum pox potyvirus (EPPO A2 quarantine pest) in France in 1970 prophylactic measures have been applied to limit the spread of the disease. At the end of the 1980s, however, a new epidemiological development of the disease could be observed which was characterized by a faster development of the disease. Serological studies conducted showed that two serotypes of the virus could be distinguished. One, which was designated as the M serotype, could be detected on peaches and apricots and the designated D serotype was found only on apricots. In inoculation experiments the D serotype virtually infected only the apricots while the M serotype infected peaches and apricots. Infections of hosts by both serotypes could not be found.

The faster development of the disease has been attributed to the D serotype which multiplies faster and produces more severe symptoms than the serotype from peaches. It was reported that the virus can infect a host tree up to 100% within 4-5 years.


Bousalem, M.; Adamolle, C.; Boeglin, M.; Labonne, G.; Pecheur, P.; Quiot-Douine, L.; Quiot, J.B. (1993) La détection de deux types de Plum Pox Virus peut expliquer des différences épidémiologiques observées en France.
Presentation at the "Premier Colloque Italo-Français De Phytopathologie sur: Maladies nouvelles ou d'introduction récente en France, en Italie et dans le bassin méditerranéen", Alghero, IT, 1993-04-14/18.