EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 05 - 1993 Num. article: 1993/85

Unsuccessful eradication of plum pox potyvirus in Italy

An account on an attempt to eradicate plum pox potyvirus (EPPO A2 quarantine pest) from the Trento province of Italy was given at the first French-Italian phytopathological colloquium.

The eradication programme was initiated in 1984 and included systematic surveys, the testing of trees showing symptoms of the sharka disease and the uprooting of infected trees. During the seven years 1985-92 total eradication of the disease was obtained only in three of the 12 zones into which the area had been subdivided. Those three zones were separated by natural barriers. In the other zones only a containment of the disease and a progressive reduction in the percentage of affected trees (from 4,98% to 2,03%) was achieved.

The authors conclude that the failure of eradication was due to the late start of the intervention, the first outbreak of the disease in the province was reported in 1977, as well as to some deficiencies in uprooting the affected trees. The root residues of uprooted trees gave rise to young, tender, but infected sprouts which provided an inoculum source. In future, systemic herbicides will be used on infected trees by applying the herbicide to wounds made on the trunk, in order to kill the entire wood system.


Refatti, E.; Osler, R. (1993) Attempts to eradicate plum pox virus in an infected area.
Presentation at the "Premier Colloque Italo-Français De Phytopathologie sur: Maladies nouvelles ou d'introduction recente en France, en Italie et dans le bassin mediterraneen", Alghero, IT, 1993-04-14/18.