EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 01 - 1993 Num. article: 1993/11

Spraying techniques against Helicoverpa armigera

In India, experiments were carried out to develop spray-techniques against Helicoverpa armigera (EPPO A2 pest) which also take into the consideration the survival of natural enemy populations. A strip application of 0,07% endosulfan with equally wide untreated strips between them reduced the damage caused by the pest and increased the yield of pigeon pea significantly.


Sanap, M.M.; Deshmukh, R.B.; Bhor, S.B. (1990) Effect of strip application of endosulfan on pod borer damage and grain yield in pigeon pea.
Indian Journal of Pulses Research 3, 48-51.