Recruitment of the Co-ordinator for the EU Minor Uses Co-ordination Facility
The EPPO Secretariat is pleased to announce the establishment of an EU Minor Uses Co-ordination Facility, hosted by EPPO and jointly funded by the EU and by the governments of France, Germany and the Netherlands. This new Facility will address gaps in pest and disease control measures available for ‘minor crops’ and for minor pests and diseases on other crops. The Facility already has its own account and budget, as well as a Steering Group comprising representatives of the funders. The Steering Group held its first meeting on the 29th April 2015, and agreed to start the process of recruiting a Co-ordinator to lead the work of the Facility.
The advertisement for the Co-ordinator post is available from the EPPO website. All applications should be made online before Monday 15th of June 2015 (midday 12.00):;Events/minor-uses.htm
EPPO Secretariat (2015-05).