EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 06 - 1994 Num. article: 1994/106

EPPO information services

The EPPO Secretariat proposes two novelties:

1. Reporting Service on diskette

The EPPO Panel on Plant Quarantine Information supposes that many Reporting Service subscribers may prefer to receive the publication on diskette in Word 5 and the EPPO Secretariat may offer it in this form (see enclosed registration form to be returned to EPPO as soon as possible). Subscribers on diskette are expected to print the text out for themselves, using whatever page formatting is convenient. It may be noted that the EPPO Panel also proposes a shift in emphasis of items in the Reporting Service (more shorter items, from a wider range of sources), which will be more easily handled on diskette.


EPPO now has an e-mail address on INTERNET: ;messages can be sent to the EPPO Secretariat at:


Very soon, we shall be able to supply:

the Reporting Service on INTERNET

Wait for the announcement !


EPPO Secretariat (1994-05).