EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 02 - 1994 Num. article: 1994/30

Behaviour of Anastrepha obliqua

Detailed studies on the behaviour of wild Anastrepha obliqua (EPPO A1 quarantine pest) populations were carried out in Mexico. The observations were carried out in a mixed orchard with a different vegetation of several fruit trees and bushes, thus providing a diversified agroecosystem. It was found that the fruit flies were amazingly adaptable in their behaviour to the different habitats within the orchard; the time of feeding and oviposition were adapted in relation to the environmental factors. Males and females of the fruit flies showed considerable differences in their habitat use. While females utilized mango trees for resting and feeding males developed strong sexual activities there and consequently used them for resting. In contrast, while males used plum trees (tropical plum = Spondias purpurea) only for feeding females utilized them for oviposition and feeding. Surprisingly, females did not oviposite on mango, which is regarded as one of the principal hosts, if plum trees were available.


Aluja, M.; Birke, A. ;(1993) Habitat use by adults of Anastrepha obliqua in a mixed mango and tropical plum orchard.
Annals of the Entomological Society of America 86, ;799-812.