13th International EMAPi Conference (Hawai’i Island, USA, 2015-09-20/24)
The 13th International EMAPi Conference ‘Ecology and Management of Alien Plant Invasions’ will be held in Hawai’i (USA) on 2015-09-20/24.
General themes for the conference will include impacts of plant invasions, connecting science to management and restoration, biosecurity and risk assessment – including early detection and rapid response, ecological studies – reproduction and spread, global change and plant invasions, biocontrol of invasive plants, mechanical and chemical control of invasive plants, genetics and evolution of invasive plants, invader traits and resident communities, biogeography and macroecology of plant invasions, inventories- floras and databases and engaging the public with invasive plant issues.
The deadline for abstract submission is 2015-04-30.
EMAPi 2015 website: http://www.emapi2015.hawaii-conference.com/