First report of plum pox potyvirus in India
In India (Himachal Pradesh), during a survey carried out in stone fruit orchards in 1991, some plum trees (Prunus domestica) showed severe chlorosis and vein banding on the leaves associated with a severe reduction in size. These leaves clustered together to form a rosette, especially in yellow plum, and dieback of the plants led to severe decline. No typical symptoms of plum pox potyvirus appeared on the fruits. Peach (P. persica) and almond (P. dulcis) showed only an overall decline in vigour. The causal agent was identified by using ELISA and ISEM tests (with an antiserum of plum pox potyvirus from East Malling, UK), as being plum pox potyvirus (EPPO A2 quarantine pest). This is the first report of plum pox potyvirus in India.
Thakur, P.D.; Bhardwaj, S.V.; Garg, I.D.; Kishore, K.; Sharma, D.R. (1994) Plum pox virus on stone fruits from India - a new record.
Plant Disease Research, 9(1), 100-102.