4th International EFPP Symposium - Diagnosis and Identification of Plant Pathogens
The European foundation for Plant Pathology (EFPP) will hold its 4th International Symposium together with the German 'Phytomedizinische Gesellschaft' on 1996-09-09/12, in Bonn (DE). The theme of this Symposium is 'Diagnosis and Identification of Plant Pathogens', and the following topics will be covered: 1) isolation techniques, 2) taxonomy, 3) microscopy, 4) serological assays, 5) nucleic acid hybridization techniques, 6) fatty acid analysis, 7) diagnostic kits, 8) disease assessment and quantification, 9) disease prognosis and expert systems.
Contact address:
Prof. Dr. Heinz-W. Dehne
University of Bonn
Institute for Plant Diseases
Nussallee 9
D - 53115 Bonn
Fax: (49) - (0)228-73 24 42
Tel: (49) - (0)228-73 24 44
EPPO Secretariat, 1995-12.