EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 01 - 1996 Num. article: 1996/15

Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus is present in Hungary

In Hungary, a severe outbreak of tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (potential EPPO A2 quarantine pest) has been observed in 1995 on tomato and capsicum crops grown in plastic tunnels in Szentes region (central part of Hungary). Before, the pathogen was only known in the north-eastern region, causing severe yield losses in tobacco crops. Biological and serological studies showed that capsicum and tomato isolates are not different from a tobacco isolate. The authors felt that it is not a new virus strain which has appeared in capsicum and tomato fields, but that the ecological conditions became probably more favourable to the rapid spread of the pathogen to new areas and new hosts, where it was not detected before. They pointed out that, due to the rapid spread of the pathogen and its vectors (Thrips tabaci and Frankliniella occidentalis), tomato spotted wilt tospovirus is a threat for the capsicum and tomato production in Hungary. The EPPO Secretariat had previously no information on the occurrence of tomato spotted wilt tospovirus in Hungary.


Gáborjányi, R.; Basdinyei, R.; Almási, A.; Csilléry, G.; Ekés, M. (1995) [Identification of tomato spotted wilt virus pathotype on pepper and tomato.]
Növényvédelem, 31(11), 533-540.