Revised EPPO guidelines on efficacy evaluation of fungicides and bactericides are now available on the EPPO electronic documentation service
As announced in EPPO RS 97/128, the EPPO Secretariat is constantly adding documents to the new electronic documentation service, accessible by e-mail through Internet at the following address :
This month, we have just made available all the files corresponding to the revised EPPO guidelines on efficacy evaluation of fungicides and bactericides. These files have been put into the directory PPPstandards (as Word6 files), and two lists (in English and French:
listgl-e.doc and listgl-f.doc) give the correspondence between the name of the file and the exact title of the guideline. The files in English are called either gle-xxx.doc or gle-xxx.exe depending on the size of the file, xxx corresponds to the number of each guideline. Files with an ‘exe’ extension are compacted self-extractible files. Similarly the files in French are named glf-xxx.doc or glf-xxx.exe.
listgl-e.doc and listgl-f.doc) give the correspondence between the name of the file and the exact title of the guideline. The files in English are called either gle-xxx.doc or gle-xxx.exe depending on the size of the file, xxx corresponds to the number of each guideline. Files with an ‘exe’ extension are compacted self-extractible files. Similarly the files in French are named glf-xxx.doc or glf-xxx.exe.
In order to receive these files, you have to follow these instructions:
1) join the directory PPPstandards by sending the following e-mail message to
Join PPPstandards
2) obtain the contents of PPPstandards by sending the following e-mail message to
Dir PPPstandards
3) obtain the files you want by sending (for example) the following e-mail message to
Get PPPstandards gle-001.doc
Get PPPstandards gle-002.exe
For each of your requests (dir and get), you should receive two messages, one is a transaction report telling you that the operation has been completed successfully and the second message contains either the contents of the directory or the file(s) you requested.
EPPO Secretariat, 1997-09.