EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 08 - 1997 Num. article: 1997/160

Grapholita molesta is present in South Africa

The presence of Grapholita molesta (EPPO A2 quarantine pest) in South Africa was reported in EPPO RS 509/10 (1991) but this was not confirmed by the South African Plant Protection Service. A recent paper from Barnes ; Blomefield (1997) confirms its occurrence, and explains that G. molesta was indeed accidentally introduced into South Africa probably in 1987 on peach budwood illegally brought into the country. The pest was first detected in 1990 and spread rapidly throughout all stone fruit-growing areas. Up to six generations per year have been observed in certain regions, and crop losses can reach 60 % in peach orchards. Programmes of integrated management, combining the use of mating disruption and timely application of insecticides are being studied.


Barnes, B.N.; Blomefield, T.L. (1997) Goading growers towards mating disruption: the South African experience with Grapholita molesta and Cydia pomonella.
IOBC wprs Bulletin, 20(1), 45-56.