First report of grapevine flavescence dorée phytoplasma in Spain
Grapevine flavescence dorée phytoplasma (EPPO A2 quarantine pest) has been found for the first time in Spain, in the region of Ampudan (Cataluña), near the French border. The causal agent of flavescence dorée was identified in October 1996 by using PCR technique. Severely affected grapevines were found in several foci covering approximately 23 ha. Measures have immediately been taken to eradicate the disease by destroying affected plants and establishing compulsory treatments against the vector Scaphoideus titanus.
Anonymous (1997) Incidencia de las plagas y enfermedades en las Comunidades Autónomas durante 1996 – Cataluña.
Phytoma-España no. 87, 20-26.