Virus diseases of vegetable crops in Murcia (ES)
In the region of Murcia (south east of Spain), the main virus diseases of vegetables crops are due to tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (potential EPPO A2 quarantine pest), tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus (EPPO A2 quarantine pest - new detailed record) and to a lesser extent cucumber mosaic cucumovirus. Tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus was found for the first time in 1992 but serious problems on tomatoes were seen in 1993. Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus has been observed since 1989 on many horticultural and ornamental crops. During the last 2-3 years, its incidence has generally declined though this virus still can cause serious problems especially on capsicum, tomatoes and lettuce.
Monserrat Delgado, A. (1996) Virosis en cultivos hortícolas de la Regíon de Murcia: medidas para su control.
Phytoma España, no. 84, 44-51.