New or unusual records in Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin
EPPO is interested in new or unusual records of plant pests, especially those which are quarantine pests for Europe or for other regions of the world. The Reporting Service collects records appearing in other publications. However, the EPPO journal (Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin) also offers the possibility of first publishing such records. Reports should be presented according to the same instructions for authors as for the journal except that the total length should not exceed four pages of the journal (about 2000 words) including abstracts, figures, etc. and the text should not be divided into sections. Such reports may concern any plant pest (animal, microbial, virus, weed) recorded in any part of the world, but the editor reserves the right to give priority to those of greatest plant quarantine interest. It may be noted that such 'New or unusual records' used to be published in Plant Pathology, but that journal has ceased to accept them since 1995.
EPPO Secretariat, 1996-12.