EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 11 - 1998 Num. article: 1998/217

EPPO Electronic Documentation Service: new files are available

The three EPPO standards on Pest Risk Analysis are now available as files (in English and French) from eppo_docs@eppo.
  • Check list of information required for pest risk analysis (PRA) (File name: Pra01-e.doc (English), Pra01-f.doc (French))
  • Pest risk analysis to decide immediate action to be taken on interception of a pest in an EPPO country (File name: Pra02-e.doc (English), Pra02-f.doc (French))
  • Pest risk assessment scheme (File name: Pra03-e.doc (English), Pra03-f.doc (French))

The new EPPO standards on Good Plant protection Practice (in English and French)
  • Wheat (File name: Gpp10-e.doc (English), Gpp10-f.doc (French))
  • Barley (File name: Gpp11-e.doc (English), Gpp11-f.doc (French))
  • Beet (File name: Gpp12-e.doc (English), Gpp12-f.doc (French))

The phytosanitary regulations of Syria (original text in English - Pre-sy.exe), the EPPO summaries of phytosanitary regulations for Jordan and Syria (in English - Sue-jo.exe and Sue-sy.exe) can also be obtained.

As decided by the EPPO Panel on Quarantine Information, the EPPO Reporting Service is now sent each month, automatically, to registered users. For back issues, it is still necessary to send e-mail messages to eppo_docs@eppo.fr.

The EPPO Electronic Documentation is an e-mail system (not a Web site) from which you can obtain EPPO files, by sending very simple e-mail messages to the following address: eppo_docs@eppo.fr. For instructions see EPPO Reporting Service 98/118, or contact the EPPO Secretariat (hq@eppo.fr).


EPPO Secretariat, 1998-11