EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 06 - 1999 Num. article: 1999/114

1st International Workshop on grapevine trunk diseases - Esca (black measles) and grapevine declines (Italy, 1999-10-01/02)

The 1st International Workshop on grapevine trunk diseases - Esca (black measles) and grapevine declines will take place in Italy (in Toscana) on 1999-10-01/02. This Workshop is jointly organized by the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union and the International Council on Grapevine Trunk Diseases. The provisional programme is the following (indicating only invited lectures, but more papers will be presented):
Session 1. Esca disease
Invited lectures : L. Chiarappa - Esca (black measles) disease of grapevine. An overview
P. Larignon and L. Mugnai - Recent progress of research on esca disease of grapevine

Session 2. Young grapevine decline
Invited lectures : S. Ferreira - An overview on declines
D. Gubler - The dimension of an epidemy: the Californian case
L. Morton - Viticulture and grapevine declines

Session 3. Etiology and taxonomy
Invited lectures : A. Graniti and G. Surico - Esca disease: a disease complex or a complex of diseases?
M. Fischer - Grapevine wood decay and lignicolous basidiomycetes
P. Crous and W. Gams - Taxonomic aspects of Phaeoacremonium and related genera

Session 4. Epidemiology and control
Invited lectures : P. Larignon - Biology of Phaeoacremonium
S. Di Marco - Control of esca disease
S. Ferreira - Eradication of black goo from nursery material

Laura Mugnai
Istituto di Patologia e Zoologia forestale e agraria
Piazzale delle Cascine, 28
50144 Firenze, Italy
Tel: +39 055 3288377 ;- ;Fax: +39 055 354786
E-mail: laura@ipaf.fi.cnr.it
Debbi Dellinger
1765 Fort Valley Rd.
Fort Valley
VA 22652, USA
Fax: +1 540 933 6987
E-mail: fortvin@shentel.net
INTERNET: http://wineinfonet.com/blackgoo


EPPO Secretariat, 1996-06.