EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 05 - 1999 Num. article: 1999/093

5th Congress of EFPP on Biodiversity in Plant Pathology

The 5th Congress of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology will be held on 2000-09-18/22, in Taormina and Giardini-Naxos, Sicily (IT). The theme of this Congress will be Biodiversity in Plant Pathology. For further information, please contact:

EFPP 2000 Congress Secretariat
Institute of Plant Pathology, University of Catania
Via Valdisavoia, 5
95123 Catania
Tel: +39 95 234416
Fax: +39 95 234421
E-mail: EFPP2000@mbox.fagr.unict.it


EPPO Secretariat, 1999-05.