EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 03 - 1999 Num. article: 1999/053

XIVth International Plant Protection Congress

The XIVth International Plant Protection Congress (Plant Protection towards the third
millennium - where chemistry meets ecology) will be held in Jerusalem, Israel, on the 1999-07-25/30. The main topics will be the following:

  1. IPM toward the 21st century: strategies and technologies
  2. IPM implementation programs, difficulties and achievements
  3. Ecological issues in plant protection
  4. Biotechnology in plant protection
  5. Resistance to pesticides: evolution and management
  6. Innovative approaches in pesticide chemistry and chemical ecology
  7. Technology for optimization of pesticide application
  8. Regulations and risk assessment
  9. Eco-toxicology and fate of pesticides in the environment

Secretariat - XIVth International Plant Protection Congress
P.O. Box 50006
Tel Aviv 61500, Israel
Tel: +972 3 5140000
Fax: +972 3 5175674 or +972 3 5140077
E-mail: ippc@kenes.com
WWW: http://www.kenes.com/IPPC

Final date for registration at reduced fee (410 USD) is 1999-04-15.


EPPO Secretariat, 1999-03