International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity statement on invasive alien species
During the 12th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB) made a statement on invasive alien species. The statement highlights that Indigenous People and Local Communities are highly vulnerable to invasive alien species and suggests considering further work on this issue.
The IIFB suggested the preparation of a note on social, cultural and livelihood issues related to the direct and indirect impacts of invasive alien species; on the pathways of introduction of invasive alien species; on the contribution of traditional knowledge, innovation and practices in the detection and monitoring and management of invasive alien species. This note will be drafted with a view to developing a draft programme of work to be considered during the 13th meeting of the COP.
International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity, Statement on Invasive Alien Species, COP 12, Republic of Korea, 2014-10-07.;__scoop_topic=819004