EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 07 - 2000 Num. article: 2000/127

A new reporting service from BSPP

The British Society for Plant Pathology (BSPP) has started a new publication New Disease Reports. Its purpose is to provide a forum for publication of very short refereed articles on plant pathological discoveries whose principal interest is that they are new (new hosts, new races, new symptoms, new geographical location, significant new outbreaks, new diseases remaining to be fully characterized). These articles appear in the first instance on the Web site http://www.bspp.org/ndr. They will also appear at the end of each year in the journal Plant Pathology.

New Disease Reports revives an element which existed for many years in Plant Pathology, going back to the time when the journal was published from the Harpenden Laboratory of the Ministry of Agriculture and had a stronger orientation towards plant quarantine. Similar articles are also regularly published in Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin, in the same tradition.

New Disease Reports will present EPPO with a good new source of material for the EPPO Reporting Service. This issue already contains three items based on such articles, bringing out the phytosanitary implications of the reports for the EPPO region.

