54th International Symposium on Crop Protection in Gent
The 54th International Symposium on Crop Protection will be held on 2002-05-07 at the Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, University in Gent, Belgium. The full programme will be available in March 2002.
Contact: ; ; ; ;Prof. ;P. De Clercq
Department of Crop Protection
Faculty of Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences
University of Gent
Coupure Links 653
9000 Gent, Belgium
E-mail: Patrick.DeClercq@rug.ac.be.
Tel: +32 9 264 61 58 ; - ; Fax: +32 9 264 62 39
Web: http://allserv.rug.ac.be/~hvanbost/symposium
EPPO Secretariat, 2001-11.