Citizen observations of Ambrosia psilostachya in France
The ‘Observatoire des Ambroisies’, in partnership with the ‘Laboratoire de la santé des végétaux of Anses’ (FR) and Tela Botanica have launched a survey to gather observations on the distribution and potential impacts on Ambrosia psilostachya (Asteraceae) in France. A. psylostachya is less widespread than A. artemisiifolia (Asteraceae, EPPO List of Invasive Alien Plants) in France, but is present in the Camargue and seems to be spreading. This species is as allergenic as A. artemisiifolia and can also represent a threat to biodiversity in protected prairie habitats.
A citizen science survey targeted at botanists and the general public has been launched to gather distribution data as well as possible information on impacts of the species. This citizen project is in line with the requirements of the forthcoming EU legislation on invasive alien species. An online form is available, providing help through geo-referencing tools, identification keys on Ambrosia spp. and illustrations of A. psilostachya.
Tela Botanica, Participez à l’opération “Ambroisie à épis lisses”.