EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 04 - 2014 Num. article: 2014/080

8th European Conference on Biological Invasions, Antalya (TR), 2014-11-03/08

The 8th NEOBIOTA Conference – Biological invasions: from understanding to action - is organized by the Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University on behalf of the European Group on Biological Invasions (NEOBIOTA), and in cooperation with other organizations. This conference will represent an important opportunity to advance the dialogue and strengthen cooperation between the scientific community, conservation agencies, stakeholders, and policy and decision makers.
The conference topics are as follows:
  • Ecology of biological invasions: Drivers and pathways of invasions; Temporal and spatial trends; Biotic and abiotic control of alien species; Biological invasions under climate change.
  • Evolution of biological invasions: genetic variation of alien species; local adaptation of alien species; hybridization and invasion; founder and allee effect in alien species.
  • Impacts of biological invasions: impacts on ecological processes and species assemblages; impacts on economy and health (plants, animals and humans); context dependence of impacts.
  • Management of biological invasions: prevention and early detection; mitigation and control; public perception and communication of invasion risks; policy and legislation.

The deadline for abstract submission is the 27th of June.
