EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 11 - 2013 Num. article: 2013/237

Chrysanthemum stunt viroid detected in Solanum jasminoides in France

The NPPO of France recently informed the EPPO Secretariat that, within the framework of a surveillance programme for Potato spindle tuber viroid in solanaceous ornamentals, the presence of Chrysanthemum stunt viroid (Pospiviroid, CSVd – EPPO A2 List) was detected in Ile-de-France region. In August 2013, CSVd was detected in a glasshouse nursery in asymptomatic plants of Solanum jasminoides. All infected plants were destroyed.
The pest status of Chrysanthemum stunt viroid in France is officially declared as: Absent.


NPPO of France (2013-10).