EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 09 - 2013 Num. article: 2013/202

First report of Fallopia japonica in Corse (FR)

Fallopia japonica (Polygonaceae, EPPO List of Invasive Alien Plants) was reported for the first time in Southern Corse (FR) in May 2013. This species is thought to have been introduced as an ornamental plant by a private individual. The species was detected for the first time during a study for the restoration, maintenance, management and development of the Taravo Valley. F. japonica is currently only known to occur in the valley of Taravo and is localized on the shores of the Taravo river and its tributary the Fiumicellu.
The National Botanical Conservatory of Corse in collaboration with the local authorities (Conseil Général de Corse du Sud) initiated a control plan for F. japonica in August 2013, in the framework of its strategy of early-warning/fast intervention. The aim of this management action is the eradication of this species in Corse.


Laetitia Hugot L ; Yohan Petit, Conservatoire Botanique National de Corse. E-mails: hugot@oec.fr; petit@oec.fr
Charles Chipponi, Conseil Général de Corse du Sud. E-mail: charles.chipponi@cg-corsedusud.fr
Meinard Y, Stenou B ; Peraldi A (2013) Funeste complément à la flore de Corse : Présence de Reynoutria japonica Houtt., 1977 dans la vallée du Taravo. In prep.