EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 03 - 2013 Num. article: 2013/067

First report of Cardiospermum grandiflorum in Malta

In Malta, Cardiospermum grandiflorum (Sapindaceae, EPPO Alert List) has recently been recorded as invading the Natura 2000 site ‘Wied Babu’ in Żurrieq. The species has been introduced as an ornamental plant in Malta and escaped, and is now considered to have devastating impacts on the native biodiversity of the island.
This species, along with control options, has been included in the ‘Guidelines on managing non-native plant invaders and restoring native plant communities in terrestrial settings in the Maltese Islands’ adopted at the beginning of 2013.


Ameen J (2013) Valley flora being slowly choked by invasive plant. Times of Malta. 9 March 2013.

MEPA (2013) Guidelines on managing non-native plant invaders and restoring native plant communities in terrestrial settings in the Maltese Islands. 88 p. http://www.mepa.org.mt/guidelines-alienplants