EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 01 - 2013 Num. article: 2013/025

EPPO/CoE/EEA/IUCN ISSG Workshop ‘How to communicate on pests and invasive alien plants’, Oeiras (PT), 2013-10-08/10

Communicating on the topic of pests and invasive alien plants is difficult as it involves explaining what an alien species is, as well as describing their impacts. Scientists and civil servants working on these species are usually not trained in the use of communication tools and methods.
To respond to this need, EPPO, in partnership with the Bern Convention, the European Environment Agency and the IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group will organize a Workshop on ‘How to communicate on pests and invasive alien plants’ on 2013-10-08/10 in Oeiras in Portugal at the kind invitation of the Portuguese Plant Protection Organization, the University of Coimbra, the Agrarian School of Coimbra and the Centre of Functional Ecology.
Four sessions will be held, each followed by discussions in smaller groups:
  • Difficulties in communicating on pests and invasive alien plants, underlying concepts
  • Experiences that worked, experiences that did not work
  • Adapting the message to the different stakeholders
  • Involving the public in surveillance: citizen sciences
A field trip will consist in the organization of the Portuguese ‘Invasive Plants Clean Up Day’.

Pre-registration and call for abstracts are open respectively until the 2013-06-01 and 2013-05-01. http://archives.eppo.int/MEETINGS/2013_conferences/communication_pt.htm


EPPO Secretariat (2013-01).