EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 11 - 2012 Num. article: 2012/242

Outbreak of Pepino mosaic virus in Ticino (CH)

In Switzerland, Pepino mosaic virus (Potexvirus, PepMV – EPPO A2 List) was first found in the canton of Fribourg in 2004 A few other cases were subsequently reported in the cantons of Ticino and Zürich, but submitted to eradication measures. From March to May 2012, the presence of PepMV was detected in 3 tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) production facilities located in the canton of Ticino. Considering the economic losses caused by PepMV in commercial production facilities, the Cantonal plant health service recommended the destruction of tomato crops and disinfection of the facilities. It is suspected that PepMV has been introduced via infected plant material. All planting material originated from the Netherlands.

For each of the three facilities, the following additional details were given.
  • Facility A: 0.9 ha of tomato production, PepMV was identified for the first time in March 2012. Significant yield reduction was observed on cvs. Growdena and Sunstream (both grafted on Maxifort). Total loss (yield loss + plant destruction) was estimated at 80 000 CHF (66 400 EUR).
  • Facility B: 2.7 ha of tomato production, PepMV was identified for the first time in May 2012. Significant yield reduction was observed, especially on cv. Komeett (almost total yield loss) and to a lesser extent on cvs. Monalisa, Robinio, and Tastery (all grafted on Maxifort). Total loss was estimated at 297 000 CHF (250 000 EUR).
  • Facility C: 14.5 ha of tomato production. PepMV was identified for the second time on this site in May 2012, affecting all tomato cultivars. In 2005/2006, a first outbreak had been notified but successfully eradicated and no symptoms were detected until 2012. Total loss was estimated at 232 000 CHF (193 000 EUR).

The pest status of Pepino mosaic virus in Switzerland is officially declared as: Present, under eradication, first finding in Switzerland 2004.


NPPO of Switzerland (2012-10).