Monoclonal antibodies to detect apple proliferation phytoplasma
Two monoclonal antibodies were obtained to detect specifically apple proliferation phytoplasma (EPPO A2 quarantine pest) by ELISA or immunofluorescence (IF). These two serological methods were compared with DAPI staining and PCR. From July until leaf fall, ELISA was as sensitive as PCR but more rapid and easier to use. IF was found more sensitive than DAPI. IF was found useful to detect the phytoplasma on roots throughout the year; on stems from ripening until dormant bud stage. ELISA was found convenient on leaves from the end of July until leaf fall. It was concluded that ELISA and IF using monoclonal antibodies provided easy, rapid, specific and sensitive detection methods which could be used on roots, stems and leaves depending on the phenological stages of apple trees.
Loi, N.; Ermacora, P.; Carraro, L.; Osler, R.; Chen, T.A. (2002) Production of monoclonal antibodies against apple proliferation phytoplasma and their use in serological detection.
European Journal of Plant Pathology, 108(1), 81-86.