EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 02 - 2002 Num. article: 2002/033

Workshop on the detection of strawberry viruses: recent advances in molecular diagnostics

A Workshop on the detection of strawberry viruses: recent advances in molecular diagnostics will be organized by the Institute of Plant molecular Biology of the Czech Academy of Sciences on the 2002-09-06/08, in Ceské Budejovice, Czech Republic (it will take place immediately before the 6th Conference of European Foundation for Plant Pathology, 200209-09/14, Prague, Czech Republic).  
The Workshop will focus on economically important strawberry viruses and their detection by molecular methods. It will include a practical course on virus detection by NASBA and PCR, and their comparison with the current methods used (e.g. biological indexing, symptomatology etc.). The workshop is intended for plant protection services, institutions involved in certification of healthy planting material and control of quarantine pests, and producers. 

Contact: Dr Josef Spak (Director) Institute of Plant Molecular Biology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic 
Branisovska 31 
37005 Ceske Budejovice Czech Republic 
Tel: +420 38 5300357 
Fax: +420 38 5300356 
E-mail: spak@umbr.cas.cz http://www.umbr.cas.cz/strawberry


EPPO Secretariat, 2002-03.