EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 11 - 2003 Num. article: 2003/173

APHIS proposals for new US phytosanitary regulations

The APHIS representation in Vienna has informed the EPPO Secretariat of the following proposals for future modifications of the US phytosanitary regulations. These are only proposals which are not yet in force.
  • In order to mitigate the risk posed by Ralstonia solanacearum (race 3 biovar 2 – EPPO A2 list), it is intended to require that host plant material could be exported to the US only under a bilateral technical work plan (similar to the existing one for plants in growing media).
  • Traders or passengers arriving at US ports or airports with fruits and vegetables (if not prohibited) will have to provide a Phytosanitary Certificate (PC) to the custom authorities. The PC should follow the IPPC format (written in one of the 5 FAO languages but common names for plants and plant products will be accepted). APHIS invites countries to provide copies of their PC. This proposed rule was published in 2001-08-29, and the final rule is intended to be published before the end of 2003.


Personal communication with Ms S.I. Vicinanza, APHIS Attache, American Embassy, Vienna, Austria (2003-11).