EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 06 - 2003 Num. article: 2003/098

International Workshop: Invasive Alien Species and the IPPC (Braunschweig, DE, 2003-09-22/26)

The workshop on "Invasive Alien Species and the IPPC" is being held in Braunschweig, Germany on 22-26 September 2003 and is being organized jointly by the IPPC Secretariat and the German government. The intent of the workshop is to improve understanding of how the IPPC can be used in the management of invasive alien species.

The following themes will be presented and discussed during the workshop:
  • Review of existing phytosanitary measures (including legislation, regulation and official procedures)
  • Scientific and technical needs of National Plant Protection Organizations
  • Delivery capacity of National Plant Protection Organizations (inspections, detection, pest-free areas, eradication, containment, etc.)
  • Information access and sharing

The workshop is attempting to reach a broad spectrum of people who could utilize and benefit from the systems developed through the IPPC framework. Participation will be from developed and developing countries and will represent various sectors such as plant protection, environmental, forestry, and regulatory bodies. The workshop will be a good opportunity to share experiences and learn from each other.

For more information (including registration forms and travel assistance applications) please visit the workshop's homepage at:

Contact:        Brent Larson        Deadline for registration: 2003-08-20
       IPPC Secretariat
       Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
       00100 Rome, Italy
       Fax : (+39-06) 5705-6347
       E-mail : IAS2003@ippc.int
       Web site: http://www.ippc.int


IPPC Secretariat, 2003-07.