EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 03 - 2009 Num. article: 2009/060

EPPO/CoE Workshop 'Code of Conduct on horticulture and Invasive Alien Plants', Oslo (NO), 2009-06-04/05

In Europe, it is estimated that 80% of the invasive alien plants are voluntarily introduced for ornamental purposes, and international trade is increasing yearly. This major pathway must be addressed urgently to prevent entry and spread of invasive alien plants, as at present, few legislation and management programmes are in place. Voluntary measures to tackle the problem and raise awareness among the horticultural sector and the public are therefore considered a priority. EPPO and the Council of Europe are in the process of developing a code of conduct on horticulture and invasive alien plants.

This workshop has the following objectives:
  • to make the code of conduct known;
  • to exchange experiences with nursery industry professionals;
  • to discuss how to implement this code of conduct, and how to monitor its effectiveness.
This Workshop is open to civil servants within Governments (NPPOs, Ministries of Environment) and the horticultural industry and trade – plant importers, commercial nurseries, municipal nurseries, garden centres, aquarists – and to those who play a role in deciding what species are grown in particular areas such as landscape architects, municipal parks and gardens departments, recreation and leisure departments.

Pre-registration and call for papers are open till 2009-04-20.


EPPO/CoE Workshop 'Code of Conduct on horticulture and Invasive Alien Plants'. http://archives.eppo.org/MEETINGS/2009_conferences/conf_codeofconduct.htm