EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 07 - 2004 Num. article: 2004/108

An update of the host range of Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus

Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus (TSWV - EPPO A2 list) has an extremely wide host range. A list of host plants of TSWV has recently been updated by Parella et al. (2003). It contains 1090 plants species belonging to 15 families of monocotyledonous plants, 69 families of dicotyledonous plants and 1 family of pteridophytes.


Parella, G.; Gognalons, P.. Gebre-Selassié, K.; Vovlas, C.; Marchoux, G. (2003) An update of the host range of Tomato spotted wilt tospovirus.
Journal of Plant Pathology, 85(4), 227-264.