EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 03 - 2004 Num. article: 2004/046

Molecular hybridization technique to detect Potato spindle tuber pospiviroid

A molecular hybridization technique has been developed in France to detect Potato spindle tuber pospiviroid (PSTVd - EPPO A2 list) in fresh or lyophilized extracts obtained from samples of potato leaves or germs. This method was tested and compared with reverse PAGE and RT-PCR and was found highly sensitive and reliable. It is concluded that this method is a suitable tool for official surveys on PSTVd.


Ollivier, F. (2004) L’hybridation moléculaire: une technique de détection du Potato spindle tuber viroid adaptée aux plans de surveillance.
Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin, 34(1), 123-126.