EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 02 - 2011 Num. article: 2011/046

A management strategy against invasive alien species in Reunion Island (FR)

Reunion Island is a French oversea Department located in the Indian Ocean. It is a biodiversity hotspot hosting primary ecosystems which represent 30% of the territory of the island. A National Park was created in 2007 and was registered as UNESCO World Heritage in 2010. This oceanic island is particularly sensitive to biological invasions. Among 2000 vascular plants, 892 are native, and 133 are considered invasive.

The first global strategy for the management of invasive alien species in Reunion Island was adopted in July 2010. This strategy is composed of 4 parts:
  • (1) prevention of the introduction of new invasive species; this involves the development of a surveillance programme, inspections and interceptions at entry points, risk analyses, improved implementation of the legislation, establishment of “green lists” of species that can be imported and used safely, research support, development of cooperation with other countries in the Indian ocean area.
  • (2) active management; this includes early warning through careful monitoring at entry points, in protected areas, and in agricultural and urban areas by setting cost-benefit analyses to determine whether management is needed and by mobilizing all existing expertise (government organizations, NGOs, research institutes, etc.); rapid response through the coordination of different actions and conventions with private stakeholders, and through the setting of emergency plans for action and dedicated funds; eradication, containment and control.
  • (3) awareness raising, communication, education and training; such action will investigate how the public pictures invasive alien species to best-adapt communication actions. Communication actions will then be undertaken toward decision makers, socioprofessional stakeholders and the general public.
  • (4) governance and promotion; a coordination structure will be established to coordinate all actions; a database will be created; monitoring of results will be undertaken as well as national and international cooperation.
The implementation of this strategy is ongoing since 2010 and is planned until 2013.


DIREN 974, Parc National de La Réunion, Région Réunion, Conseil Général 974 ; ONF (2010) Stratégie de lutte contre les espèces invasives à La Réunion. Parc National de La Réunion. 97 p. http://www.reunion.ecologie.gouv.fr/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=360

Contact: Catherine Julliot, DIREN 974. Email;: Catherine.JULLIOT@developpement-durable.gouv.fr