EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 02 - 2009 Num. article: 2009/026

Situation of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera in France in 2008

In summer 2008, the presence of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae – EPPO A2 List) was detected again in France. It can be recalled that in 2007, D. virgifera had been reported in Alsace, Bourgogne and Rhône-Alpes regions (see EPPO RS 2007/169). In 2008, the insect was no longer found in Bourgogne but it was caught in Alsace and Rhône-Alpes in the areas where it had been detected before. Although it had not been seen in 2006 and 2007 in Ile-de-France, D. virgifera virgifera was caught again in this region in 2008.
The situation of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera in France can be described as follows: Present, few specimens caught in Alsace, Ile-de-France and Rhône-Alpes regions in 2008, under eradication.


Anonymous (2008) Phyto Régions. Alsace, Ile-de-France, Rhône-Alpes... Elle court, elle court, Diabrotica. Phytoma – La Défense des Végétaux No. 618, p 2.