EPPO Global Database

EPPO Reporting Service no. 04 - 2006 Num. article: 2006/094

Symposium ‘An Evolutionary Perspective of Biological Invasions’, Fribourg (CH), 2006-10-2/3

The Universities of Fribourg and Lausanne organize on 2006-10-02/03 the Symposium ‘An Evolutionary Perspective of Biological Invasions’. In recent decades, the frequency of biological invasions has increased to an unprecedented level, stimulating a multitude of research projects in population biology and community ecology. Evolutionary processes, however, have long been neglected in the study of biological invasions, a trend that has been changing only recently. Moreover, populations of invasive exotic plant species might react differentially to climate warming, but there is little evidence to substantiate this. This symposium will try to bring together scholars from ecology, evolution, and from plant and animal biology to discuss concepts and new developments in this greatly expanding research field. Submission of talks is open until 2006-07-21 online at www.unifr.ch/biol/ecology/biolinv.


Heinz Müller-Schärer, University of Fribourg, heinz.mueller@unifr.ch
Website: www.unifr.ch/biol/ecology/biolinv