EPPO Global Database

Ceratothripoides brunneus(CRTZBR)

Distribution details in Gabon

Current pest situation evaluated by EPPO on the basis of information dated 2017: Absent, unreliable record
It is not fully certain that the species found was C. brunneus and not C. revelatus, as Frame and Durou (2006) predates the recall from synonym of C. revelatus and C. brunneus (EPPO, 2017).
* EPPO (2017) Pest risk analysis for Ceratothripoides brunneus and C. claratris. EPPO Platform on PRA. https://pra.eppo.int/pra/3c8acd02-ffcb-406d-b9ff-9f95cfdeba6d

* Frame D, Durou S (2006) Morphology and biology of Napoleonaea vogelii (Lecythidaceae) flowers in relation to the natural history of insect visitors. Biotropica 33(3), 458-471.
------- Observed as an insect visitor of flowers of Napoleonaea vogelii (probably as a pollinator).

* Moritz G, Brandt S, Triapitsyn S, Subramanian S (2013) Identification and Information Tools for Pest Thrips in East Africa. Queensland, Australia: CBIT Publishing. http://thripsnet.zoologie.uni-halle.de/
Situation in neighbouring countries
Country State Status
Cameroon Present, no details view...
Congo Present, no details view...